Dad’s Bedtime Stories For Kids
Kids won’t sleep? Want some time to yourself? This is how to make it happen! I make these bedtime stories up for my own children every night, so I figured I would record them. They are designed to give your child a simple, but somewhat interesting story to listen to. They are first person stories so kids can imagine themselves in the character’s shoes. They are mostly science fiction and fantasy based, because that’s what my kids like. Each episode is a 10-15 minute story followed by white noise to drown out distractions. The character always ends up back in bed, doing a short mindful relaxation exercise to help them off to sleep (if they aren’t there already). Get those kids to sleep!
2 days ago
2 days ago
In this episode, suggested by Kaylee from Australia, you find yourself on a taco planet. You join a young group of tacos who need to travel up a mountain and into a valley, in order to get their toppings. A few things get in the way.
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About The Podcast:
Kids won’t sleep? Want some time to yourself? This is how to make it happen! I make these bedtime stories up for my own children every night, so I figured I would record them. They are designed to give your child a simple, but somewhat interesting story to listen to. They are first person stories so kids can imagine themselves in the character’s shoes. They are mostly science fiction and fantasy based, because that’s what my kids like. Each episode is a 10-15 minute story followed by white noise to drown out distractions. The character always ends up back in bed, doing a short mindful relaxation exercise to help them off to sleep (if they aren’t there already). Get those kids to sleep!
Most episodes revolve around a kid with a magical spaceship that can transform into anything. He eventually finds a shapeshifting alien dog named changer, and they go on all kinds of adventures, both on earth, and far beyond. There are dinosaurs, dragons, magic, and lots and lots of robots!
#Stories #kidsbedtimestories #bedtimestoriesforkids #dinosaurs #dragons #unicorns #magic #bedtimestories #storiesforkids
5 days ago
5 days ago
In the latest episode of the Cards of Power series, we run into a familiar figure from the Spaceship series - Changer the Shapeshifting alien dog. Can you capture such a creature? This one was suggested by my biggest fan from Vancouver, Leif!
About Cards of Power - Great for fans of shows like Pokemon. In the Cards of Power Series, you are the main character. You were given a magic card when you came of age - A Fire Dragonling named Magnus. Together, you and Magnus head into the wild forests to try to capture new magical creatures and wild magics. Grow Your Power (but be nice about it)!
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About The Podcast:
Kids won’t sleep? Want some time to yourself? This is how to make it happen! I make these bedtime stories up for my own children every night, so I figured I would record them. They are designed to give your child a simple, but somewhat interesting story to listen to. They are first person stories so kids can imagine themselves in the character’s shoes. They are mostly science fiction and fantasy based, because that’s what my kids like. Each episode is a 10-15 minute story followed by white noise to drown out distractions. The character always ends up back in bed, doing a short mindful relaxation exercise to help them off to sleep (if they aren’t there already). Get those kids to sleep!
Most episodes revolve around a kid with a magical spaceship that can transform into anything. He eventually finds a shapeshifting alien dog named changer, and they go on all kinds of adventures, both on earth, and far beyond. There are dinosaurs, dragons, magic, and lots and lots of robots!
#Stories #kidsbedtimestories #bedtimestoriesforkids #dinosaurs #dragons #unicorns #magic #bedtimestories #storiesforkids
7 days ago
7 days ago
In this episode, we head to a new planet, full of trolls with hair that is not only nice, but super functional. These trolls can use their hair for just about anything. They lift things, move around, and swing from tree to tree, all using their hair.
This one was suggested by Rella B whose promo is featured at the start of the episode. If you love literacy, and want to encourage it in your kids, check it out!
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About The Podcast:
Kids won’t sleep? Want some time to yourself? This is how to make it happen! I make these bedtime stories up for my own children every night, so I figured I would record them. They are designed to give your child a simple, but somewhat interesting story to listen to. They are first person stories so kids can imagine themselves in the character’s shoes. They are mostly science fiction and fantasy based, because that’s what my kids like. Each episode is a 10-15 minute story followed by white noise to drown out distractions. The character always ends up back in bed, doing a short mindful relaxation exercise to help them off to sleep (if they aren’t there already). Get those kids to sleep!
Most episodes revolve around a kid with a magical spaceship that can transform into anything. He eventually finds a shapeshifting alien dog named changer, and they go on all kinds of adventures, both on earth, and far beyond. There are dinosaurs, dragons, magic, and lots and lots of robots!
#Stories #kidsbedtimestories #bedtimestoriesforkids #dinosaurs #dragons #unicorns #magic #bedtimestories #storiesforkids
Sunday Sep 01, 2024
Learning Nature Magic - Kid Wizard #4 - A Bedtime Visualization
Sunday Sep 01, 2024
Sunday Sep 01, 2024
In this episode of Kid Wizard, Martin shows you his magic specialty - nature and plant magic! When a group of rogue wizards try to attack the real world with a an army of rock ogres, you and Martin head out to try to help. It turns out that Martin is a nature magic specialist. He can will plants to grow, and control their movement. The results are amazing. Thank you to Willa for suggesting this topic!
About Kid Wizard - After accidentally freezing your surroundings using your mind, you are invited to a Wizarding School, where you learn the ways of magic. In a world dictated by your beliefs, some pretty amazing things are possible.
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Thursday Aug 29, 2024
The Rock Lion and the Ice Scorpion - Cards of Power #13 - A Bedtime Story for Kids
Thursday Aug 29, 2024
Thursday Aug 29, 2024
In this episode, with suggestions from Grady and Jacob, we head out to battle and capture a lion with some pretty amazing rock and earth powers. Next we face off against a scorpion that can command ice, as well as shoot sleep darts! I hope you enjoy!
Cards of Power - Great for fans of shows like Pokemon. In the Cards of Power Series, you are the main character. You were given a magic card when you came of age - A Fire Dragonling named Magnus. Together, you and Magnus head into the wild forests to try to capture new magical creatures and wild magics. Grow Your Power (but be nice about it)!
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About The Podcast:
Kids won’t sleep? Want some time to yourself? This is how to make it happen! I make these bedtime stories up for my own children every night, so I figured I would record them. They are designed to give your child a simple, but somewhat interesting story to listen to. They are first person stories so kids can imagine themselves in the character’s shoes. They are mostly science fiction and fantasy based, because that’s what my kids like. Each episode is a 10-15 minute story followed by white noise to drown out distractions. The character always ends up back in bed, doing a short mindful relaxation exercise to help them off to sleep (if they aren’t there already). Get those kids to sleep!
Most episodes revolve around a kid with a magical spaceship that can transform into anything. He eventually finds a shapeshifting alien dog named changer, and they go on all kinds of adventures, both on earth, and far beyond. There are dinosaurs, dragons, magic, and lots and lots of robots!
#Stories #kidsbedtimestories #bedtimestoriesforkids #dinosaurs #dragons #unicorns #magic #bedtimestories #storiesforkids
Tuesday Aug 27, 2024
Tuesday Aug 27, 2024
Today you meet Ellie the Elephant and her sister Cleo, two human-like animals on a distant planet. The two of them want nothing more than to explore space, so you give them their wish. Spaceship takes you back to the pool planet, as well as the movie theatre planet, before eventually leaving your two new friends with a pretty amazing surprise. This one was suggested by Vincent who is turning 7 this week. Happy Birthday!
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About The Podcast:
Kids won’t sleep? Want some time to yourself? This is how to make it happen! I make these bedtime stories up for my own children every night, so I figured I would record them. They are designed to give your child a simple, but somewhat interesting story to listen to. They are first person stories so kids can imagine themselves in the character’s shoes. They are mostly science fiction and fantasy based, because that’s what my kids like. Each episode is a 10-15 minute story followed by white noise to drown out distractions. The character always ends up back in bed, doing a short mindful relaxation exercise to help them off to sleep (if they aren’t there already). Get those kids to sleep!
Most episodes revolve around a kid with a magical spaceship that can transform into anything. He eventually finds a shapeshifting alien dog named changer, and they go on all kinds of adventures, both on earth, and far beyond. There are dinosaurs, dragons, magic, and lots and lots of robots!
#Stories #kidsbedtimestories #bedtimestoriesforkids #dinosaurs #dragons #unicorns #magic #bedtimestories #storiesforkids
Sunday Aug 25, 2024
How to Move Objects with Your Mind - Kid Wizard #3 - A Bedtime Story
Sunday Aug 25, 2024
Sunday Aug 25, 2024
In the third installment of the Kid Wizard series, you continue your wizarding training. This time, Martin teaches you how to move objects with your mind. Can you get the hang of it and show Tyranus Rexington what's what? I bet you can!
About Kid Wizard - After accidentally freezing your surroundings using your mind, you are invited to a Wizarding School, where you learn the ways of magic. In a world dictated by your beliefs, some pretty amazing things are possible.
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About The Podcast:
Kids won’t sleep? Want some time to yourself? This is how to make it happen! I make these bedtime stories up for my own children every night, so I figured I would record them. They are designed to give your child a simple, but somewhat interesting story to listen to. They are first person stories so kids can imagine themselves in the character’s shoes. They are mostly science fiction and fantasy based, because that’s what my kids like. Each episode is a 10-15 minute story followed by white noise to drown out distractions. The character always ends up back in bed, doing a short mindful relaxation exercise to help them off to sleep (if they aren’t there already). Get those kids to sleep!
Most episodes revolve around a kid with a magical spaceship that can transform into anything. He eventually finds a shapeshifting alien dog named changer, and they go on all kinds of adventures, both on earth, and far beyond. There are dinosaurs, dragons, magic, and lots and lots of robots!
#Stories #kidsbedtimestories #bedtimestoriesforkids #dinosaurs #dragons #unicorns #magic #bedtimestories #storiesforkids
Tuesday Aug 20, 2024
The Arctic Fox, Snow Leopard, and the Legendary Snow Storm - Cards of Power #12
Tuesday Aug 20, 2024
Tuesday Aug 20, 2024
This one was suggested by JL and Jeremiah. In this one, you travel to the mountainous region in search of a snow leopard and an arctic fox card. Along the way, you encounter wild magic, treacherous snowstorms, and powerful creatures. Will you succeed in your quest? Tune in to find out (but obviously it turns out fine).
Cards of Power Theme Song -
About the Cards of Power Series: you are the main character. You were given a magic card when you came of age - A Fire Dragonling named Magnus. Together, you and Magnus head into the wild forests to try to capture new magical creatures and wild magics. Grow Your Power (but be nice about it)!
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Now available anywhere you get your podcasts. Help me out by following and/or rating the show. Comment on what you want to see happen next. If you like an episode, it goes a long way to share it on social media.
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About The Podcast:
Kids won’t sleep? Want some time to yourself? This is how to make it happen! I make these bedtime stories up for my own children every night, so I figured I would record them. They are designed to give your child a simple, but somewhat interesting story to listen to. They are first person stories so kids can imagine themselves in the character’s shoes. They are mostly science fiction and fantasy based, because that’s what my kids like. Each episode is a 10-15 minute story followed by white noise to drown out distractions. The character always ends up back in bed, doing a short mindful relaxation exercise to help them off to sleep (if they aren’t there already). Get those kids to sleep!
Most episodes revolve around a kid with a magical spaceship that can transform into anything. He eventually finds a shapeshifting alien dog named changer, and they go on all kinds of adventures, both on earth, and far beyond. There are dinosaurs, dragons, magic, and lots and lots of robots!
#Stories #kidsbedtimestories #bedtimestoriesforkids #dinosaurs #dragons #unicorns #magic #bedtimestories #storiesforkids
Sunday Aug 18, 2024
Sunday Aug 18, 2024
Episode 250 of the Spaceship Series - In this episode of Dad's Bedtime Stories, you embark on an adventure to a carboniferous planet filled with giant insects and humongous plants. Suggested by listeners Sebastian and Evander, this story takes you on a thrilling journey where you meet two inventive brothers who have made this wild planet their home. From climbing colossal trees to battling swarms of massive insects, this episode is packed with excitement and creativity. Close your eyes, get comfy, and let your imagination soar! Disclaimer - While most episodes are written by my brain, this one did use some AI assistance.
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Now available anywhere you get your podcasts. Help me out by following and/or rating the show. Comment on what you want to see happen next. If you like an episode, it goes a long way to share it on social media.
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About The Podcast:
Kids won’t sleep? Want some time to yourself? This is how to make it happen! I make these bedtime stories up for my own children every night, so I figured I would record them. They are designed to give your child a simple, but somewhat interesting story to listen to. They are first person stories so kids can imagine themselves in the character’s shoes. They are mostly science fiction and fantasy based, because that’s what my kids like. Each episode is a 10-15 minute story followed by white noise to drown out distractions. The character always ends up back in bed, doing a short mindful relaxation exercise to help them off to sleep (if they aren’t there already). Get those kids to sleep!
Most episodes revolve around a kid with a magical spaceship that can transform into anything. He eventually finds a shapeshifting alien dog named changer, and they go on all kinds of adventures, both on earth, and far beyond. There are dinosaurs, dragons, magic, and lots and lots of robots!
Carboniferous Planet, Giant Insects, Humongous Plants, Bedtime Stories, Adventure Podcast, Imaginative Storytelling, Spaceship Journey, Treehouse Exploration, Sebastian And Evander, Creative Inventions, Forest Canopy, Oxygen-Rich Air, Space Exploration, Insect Swarm, Resilience And Ingenuity, Robot Guardians, Interactive Storytelling, Family-Friendly Podcast, Thrilling Adventure, Bedtime Tales
Thursday Aug 15, 2024
The Sound Wolf and the Fire Wombat - Cards of Power #11 - A Bedtime Story
Thursday Aug 15, 2024
Thursday Aug 15, 2024
Check out the Cards of Power Theme Song!
This episode was created with suggestions from JD, Isaac, and Scarlett. In this episode, we set back out to find new magical creatures and capture them! First, we come across a surprisingly powerful Fire Wombat, and later, a sound wolf.
Cards of Power - In the Cards of Power Series, you are the main character. You were given a magic card when you came of age - A Fire Dragonling named Magnus. Together, you and Magnus head into the wild forests to try to capture new magical creatures and wild magics. Grow Your Power (but be nice about it)!
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Now available anywhere you get your podcasts. Help me out by following and/or rating the show. Comment on what you want to see happen next. If you like an episode, it goes a long way to share it on social media.
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About The Podcast:
Kids won’t sleep? Want some time to yourself? This is how to make it happen! I make these bedtime stories up for my own children every night, so I figured I would record them. They are designed to give your child a simple, but somewhat interesting story to listen to. They are first person stories so kids can imagine themselves in the character’s shoes. They are mostly science fiction and fantasy based, because that’s what my kids like. Each episode is a 10-15 minute story followed by white noise to drown out distractions. The character always ends up back in bed, doing a short mindful relaxation exercise to help them off to sleep (if they aren’t there already). Get those kids to sleep!
Most episodes revolve around a kid with a magical spaceship that can transform into anything. He eventually finds a shapeshifting alien dog named changer, and they go on all kinds of adventures, both on earth, and far beyond. There are dinosaurs, dragons, magic, and lots and lots of robots!
#Stories #kidsbedtimestories #bedtimestoriesforkids #dinosaurs #dragons #unicorns #magic #bedtimestories #storiesforkids
Dad's Bedtime Stories
Kids won’t sleep? Want some time to yourself. This is how to make it happen! I make these up for my own children every night, so I figured I would record them. They are designed to give your child a simple, but somewhat interesting story to listen to. They are first person stories so kids can imagine themselves in the characters shoes. They are mostly science fiction and fantasy based, because that’s what my kids like. Each episode is a 10-15 minute story followed by white noise to drown out distractions. Get those kids to sleep!